Unary Operator

These operators operate or work with a single operand.

Operator Symbol Operation Implementation
Decrement Operator Decreases the integer value of the variable by one –x or x —
Increment Operator ++ Increases the integer value of the variable by one ++x or x++



// C++ Program to demonstrate the 
// increment and decrement operators
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x = 5;
    // This statement Incremented 1
    cout << "x++ is " << x++ << endl;
    // This statement Incremented 1 
    // from already Incremented
    // statement resulting in 
    // Incrementing of 2
    cout << "++x is " << ++x << endl;
    int y = 10;
    // This statement Decremented 1
    cout << "y-- is " << y-- << endl;
    // This statement Decremented 1
    // from already Decremented
    // statement resulting in 
    // Decrementing of 2
    cout << "--y is " << --y << endl;
    return 0;


x++ is 5
++x is 7
y-- is 10
--y is 8

In ++x, the variable’s value is first increased/incremented before being utilised in the program.

In x++, a variable’s value is assigned before it is increased/incremented.

Similarly happens for the decrement operator.

C++ Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators in C++ are used to perform arithmetic or mathematical operations on the operands. For example, ‘+’ is used for addition, ‘‘ is used for subtraction,  ‘*’ is used for multiplication, etc. In simple terms, arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data; they follow the same relationship between an operator and an operand.

C++ Arithmetic operators are of 2 types:

  1. Unary Arithmetic Operator
  2. Binary Arithmetic Operator

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