How to use for Loop In Javascript

The for loop is used to iterate through the characters of the string in reverse order. Starting from the last character (str.length – 1) and character pushed to the new reverse string one by one.

Example: The below code implements the for loop to reverse a string.

// Function to reverse string
function reverseString(str) {
    let strRev = "";
    for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        strRev += str[i];

// Function call


Reverse a String in JavaScript

We have given an input string and the task is to reverse the input string in JavaScript. It is a very common question asked in a JavaScript interview. There are various methods to reverse a string in JavaScript, which are described below with examples.

Reverse a String in JavaScript


Input: str = "w3wiki"
Output: "skeeGrofskeeG"

Input: str = "Hello"
Output: "olleH"

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