How to use Greater Than Operator In SQL

This method employs the standard greater than operator to filter rows where the date column is later than the specified date. It’s a straightforward and commonly used approach for date comparisons.


SELECT * FROM your_table

WHERE your_date_column > date_value

Replace your_date_column with the name of the column containing the date datatype and your_table with the name of the table. Change date_value to the desired value found in the column.


SELECT * FROM sample_table
WHERE date_column > '2022-02-23';


Output for Greater Than Operator

Explanation: The output displays rows from “sample_table” where the “date_column” is later than ‘2022-02-23‘, filtering entries based on date comparison.

How to Query for All Dates Greater Than a Certain Date in PostgreSQL?

When working with temporal data, a common task in PostgreSQL is to query for all dates greater than a given date. PostgreSQL has several methods for executing these kinds of queries, providing flexibility according to particular needs and preferences.

Through the use of date functions, intervals, or basic comparison operators, users can effectively filter and obtain pertinent data from a PostgreSQL database, enabling efficient analysis and reporting.

In this article, we will examine various approaches to running date-based queries in PostgreSQL and show how to use them to retrieve entries that have dates that are more than a predetermined threshold.

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1. Using Greater Than Operator

This method employs the standard greater than operator to filter rows where the date column is later than the specified date. It’s a straightforward and commonly used approach for date comparisons....

2. Using EXTRACT Function

The EXTRACT function is used to extract the epoch value from the date column and the specified date. It then compares the epoch values, providing a numeric basis for date comparison....

3. Using INTERVAL Keyword

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4. Using DATE_PART Function

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5. Using TO_DATE Function

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In Conclusion, querying for dates greater than a specific date in PostgreSQL offers multiple approaches, including standard operators, functions like EXTRACT and DATE_PART, and the use of INTERVAL and TO_DATE. The choice among these methods depends on factors such as simplicity, performance, and specific use cases. PostgreSQL’s diverse tools for date manipulation provide users with flexibility and efficiency in handling temporal data....