How to use Implicit Cursors In SQL

Implicit Cursors are automatically created by Oracle when executing DML statements like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT INTO. They do not require explicit declaration. The syntax for an Implicit Cursor is as follows:

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, employee_name, department_id) VALUES (5, 'Sarah', 102);


Implicit Cursors Output

Explanation: Inserts a new employee record into the ’employees’ table.

How to Retrieve Data From Multiple Tables Using PL/SQL Cursors

In database programming, the ability to retrieve data from multiple tables is essential for building robust and efficient applications. PL/SQL Cursors is a powerful feature that enables developers to navigate through result sets and make them the best option for querying data from multiple tables.

In this article, We will understand the use of PL/SQL Cursors to retrieve data from multiple tables by understanding the various methods along with the examples and so on.

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1. Using Implicit Cursors

Implicit Cursors are automatically created by Oracle when executing DML statements like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT INTO. They do not require explicit declaration. The syntax for an Implicit Cursor is as follows:...

2. Using Explicit Cursors

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3. Using Cursor FOR Loops

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Overall, Retrieving data from multiple tables using PL/SQL Cursors is a powerful feature that allows developers to efficiently fetch and process data from relational databases. By using Implicit Cursors, Explicit Cursors, and Cursor FOR Loops, programmers can perform complex queries and generate reports that involve data from multiple tables....