How to use Lodash _.toArray() Method In Javascript

Lodash is an JavaScript library that allows us to use the _.toArray() method which accepets a value and convert it to an array.

NOTE: To use this approach, you need to install the lodash library into your local system using the npm i lodash command.


const arrayName = _.toArray(setName);

Example: The below code implements the _.toArray() method of the lodash library to convert a set into an array.

// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
let set = new Set(['welcome', 'to', 'GFG']);
console.log('Set Elements: ', set);

// Use of _.toArray() method 
console.log('Array Elements: ', _.toArray(set));


Set Elements:  Set(3) { 'welcome', 'to', 'GFG' }
Array Elements: [ 'welcome', 'to', 'GFG' ]

How to convert Set to Array in JavaScript ?

To convert a Set into an Array, we need to know the main characteristics of a set. A set is a collection of unique items, i.e. no element can be repeated. Set in ES6 are ordered i.e. elements of the set can be iterated in the insertion order. Converting a Set to an Array in JavaScript is straightforward thanks to Sets’ unique element nature and ordered structure.

convert Set to Array in JavaScript

A set can be converted to an array in JavaScript in the following ways:

Table of Content

  • 1. Using JavaScript Array.from() Method
  • 2. Using JavaScript Spread Operator
  • 3. Using JavaScript forEach() Method
  • 4. Using Lodash _.toArray() Method
  • 5. Using the Mapping Function
  • Using JavaScript Method with Spread Operator

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