How to use Table Sys.master_files In SQL

The sys.master_files system-view provides detailed information about all files associated with the SQL Server instance, including database files. We can use this view to retrieve the size of database files.

USE [YourDatabaseName];

DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName,
name AS FileName,
size/128.0 AS FileSizeInMB
type_desc = 'ROWS';









  • DB_NAME(database_id) retrieves the name of the database.
  • name retrieves the name of the database file.
  • size/128.0 calculates the file size in megabytes (MB). SQL Server stores the size of database files in 8KB pages, so dividing by 128 converts it to MB.
  • type_desc = ‘ROWS’ filters the results to show only data files.

How to Get SQL Server Database Size

The ability to keep track of our SQL Server databases is very important to maintaining our storage resources effectively and within the proper performance limits. Knowing how large databases are can put us in a position to set up storage capacity which indicates the beginning of solving issues related to disk space, and improving database performance.

In this article, We will learn about how to Get SQL Server Database Size by understanding various methods along with the implementation and so on.

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Overall, Monitoring SQL Server database sizes is critical for effective database management. By utilizing the methods outlined in this article, database administrators can efficiently track database sizes, allocate resources effectively, and optimize database performance. Understanding database sizes is key to making informed decisions and ensuring the smooth operation of SQL Server environments....