How to use the char(10) Function In SQL

SQLite’s char function can be used with the ASCII code 10 to represent a newline character.


INSERT INTO YourTable (YourColumn) VALUES ('First line' || char(10) || 'Second line');

Example: Here’s an example of creating a table named Student in SQLite

-- Create the table
Name VARCHAR(50),
Description NVARCHAR(255)

-- Insert values
INSERT INTO Student (Name, Description) VALUES ('Alice', 'Math class' || char(10) || 'Homework due on Friday');
INSERT INTO Student (Name, Description) VALUES ('Bob', 'English class' || char(10) || 'Book report submission');
INSERT INTO Student (Name, Description) VALUES ('Charlie', 'History class' || char(10) || 'Project presentation');
INSERT INTO Student (Name, Description) VALUES ('David', 'Science class' || char(10) || 'Lab experiment');
INSERT INTO Student (Name, Description) VALUES ('Eva', 'Computer Science class' || char(10) || 'Coding assignment');

-- Query to retrieve and display data in tabular format
.mode column
.headers on
SELECT * FROM Student;


Using the char(10) Function output

3. Using the X’0A’ Hexadecimal Escape Sequence

Another approach is to use the hexadecimal escape sequence X’0A’ to represent a newline character.


INSERT INTO YourTable (YourColumn) VALUES ('First line' || X'0A' || 'Second line');

Example: Let’s create an Employee table with a Description column of type VARCHAR

-- Create the Employee table
Name VARCHAR(100),
Description VARCHAR(255)

-- Insert values with line breaks
INSERT INTO Employee (Name, Description) VALUES
('John Doe', 'Worked on project X' || X'0A' || 'Met with clients'),
('Jane Smith', 'Attended team meeting' || X'0A' || 'Reviewed project documentation'),
('Bob Johnson', 'Developed new feature' || X'0A' || 'Fixed bugs'),
('Alice Williams', 'Conducted training session' || X'0A' || 'Prepared progress report'),
('Charlie Brown', 'Participated in brainstorming session' || X'0A' || 'Collaborated with team');

-- Select to verify the inserted data
SELECT * FROM Employee;


Using the X’0A’ Hexadecimal Escape Sequence output

How to Insert a Line Break in a SQLite VARCHAR String

SQLite is a popular relational database management system known for its simplicity and flexibility. However, inserting a line break in a VARCHAR/NVARCHAR string can be challenging due to SQLite’s limited support for special characters.

In this article, we will explore different approaches to inserting a line break in an SQLite VARCHAR/NVARCHAR string with the help of various examples which help us to format our data effectively.

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2. Using the char(10) Function

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Overall, inserting a line break in a SQLite VARCHAR/NVARCHAR string can be achieved using various methods, such as the escaped newline character, the char(10) function, or the X’0A’ hexadecimal escape sequence. These approaches allow for the effective formatting of data in SQLite, enhancing its usability and readability. By understanding and implementing these methods, developers can efficiently manage text data in SQLite databases, improving the overall user experience....