How to use the DBMS_SQL Package In SQL

For a more programmatic approach to user privilege management in PL/SQL, the DBMS_SQL Package is used. This package allows for creating and running SQL statements within PL/SQL that are dynamic.

sql_cursor INTEGER;
sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100);
sql_stmt := 'GRANT DBA TO anya';
sql_cursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(sql_cursor, sql_stmt, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);


Using the DBMS_SQL Package

Explanation: In this dynamic example, the GRANT command assigns the DBA role to user “Anya”. The statement is parsed using the DBMS_SQL.PARSE procedure and then closed cursor.

How to Create a User With Full Privileges in PL/SQL?

In database administration, the ability to manage user privileges is very important. As a database administrator, we may find ourselves in the position of creating users with full privileges and granting them the authority to manage and manipulate the database.

In this article, we will learn about CREATE USERS and give them GRANT or Privileges to access information using various methods and examples too.

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Overall, themanaging user privileges in database administration is important. In this article we have explored three methods in PL/SQL for creating users with full privileges. The CREATE USER statement allows for user creation, while the GRANT statement offers to get control over privileges. Additionally, the DBMS_SQL package provides a programmatic approach for dynamic SQL execution. Mastering these methods is essential for ensuring users have the necessary access to manage and manipulate the database effectively....