Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Visual Studio Code has become the most popular code editor across various domains, and MERN stack development is one of them. It has robust feature set, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and integrated terminal. It has an extensive library of extensions specifically for MERN stack developers that offers tools for debugging, version control with Git, and seamless integration with Node.js and React.js projects.

5 Essential Tools Every MERN Stack Developer Should use

To increase productivity, efficiency, and development experience, it is very important to have the right set of tools. In this post, we will explore the 5 most important essential tools that everyone should use if you are a MERN developer. In full-stack web development, the MERN stack is one of the most popular due to its flexibility, scalability, and efficiency.

The MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, which helps to build dynamic and feature-rich web applications.

Table of Content

  • 1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
  • 2. Postman
  • 3. MongoDB Compass
  • 4. React DevTools
  • 5. Node.js Package Manager (npm)

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Having the correct tools can greatly increase productivity and improve the enjoyment of the development process in the field of MERN stack development. Every MERN stack developer should be familiar with these five important tools: Visual Studio Code, Postman, MongoDB Compass, React DevTools, and npm. By integrating these technologies into your process, you’ll be able to create reliable and effective web apps more quickly....