Without using generic type parameter

We can specify or declare the array type without using a generic type parameter. This method is convenient when we need to implement a particular type of the elements in the array.


The syntax for declaring the return type of a generic arrow function to be an array:

const function_name = (): returnType[] => {
  // Function Body

Example: Generating a string array with elements “Element 0” to “Element 4” using a concise TypeScript arrow function.

const myStrArr = (): string[] => {
  const arr = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    arr.push(`Element ${i}`);
  return arr;

const resultStrArr = myStrArr();


["Element 0", "Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3", "Element 4"] 

How to Declare the Return Type of a Generic Arrow Function to be an Array ?

In TypeScript, declaring the return type of a generic arrow function to be an array is generally essential when we want to ensure that the function always returns the array of a particular type. This is especially necessary for maintaining type safety and maintaining consistency in our code. Declaring the return type as an array, one can avoid unintentional errors and make code more easy to understand. There are several methods to declare the return type of a generic arrow function to be an array which are as follows:

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