WordPress Methods for Google Site Verification

1. Rank Math SEO

If you are using wordpress CMS for your website then you can just add the HTML meta tag provided by google in Rank math plugin’s General settings under “Webmaster Tools”.

After adding the HTML tag click on the save button. You can now click on verify button in google search console and your domain or website will be verified.

2. Yoast SEO Verification

If you are using wordpress CMS for your website then you can just add the HTML meta tag provided by google in Yoast SEO’s settings under “Site connections” section. Then click on save changes.

After that you can verify your domain or website in search console.

3. SEOPress Verification

The domain verification process through SEOPress is similar to that of RankMath SEO or Yoast SEO. Just add the HTML meta tag provided by google in the Advanced section under “Google site verification” field and click save changes.

After that you can verify your domain or website in search console.

4. Site Kit by Google Verification

First Install site kit on your wordpress website.

Now start your site kit’s setup.

Grant all access to your site kit plugin. Also remember to signin with the email id from which you will access your search console.

Click on the “Allow” button.

Click on the “Next” button.

If you want to configure google analytics you can also do that in last step. For our wordpress website we already had google analytics properties and data streams made which are now connected to Site Kit. After following all steps you will land here.

You can see the message that search console is connected to your website. You can now access your domain or website through this email id in the google search console.

Google Site Verification: Verify Your Site with Google Search Console

Verifying your website with Google Search Console is an essential step for site owners looking to mark their online presence. Google Search Console offers a suite of tools and insights that enable you to understand how your site performs in Google search results. Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or a beginner in the digital realm, the verification process is a crucial initial step. By confirming ownership of your site, you gain access to valuable data, such as search analytics, indexing issues, rankings, traffic, etc. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of verifying your site with Google Search Console, empowering you to unlock the full potential of this powerful tool for enhancing your website’s visibility and performance on the world’s most popular search engine.

Table of Content

  • 5 Manual Methods for Google Site Verification
  • 4 WordPress Methods for Google Site Verification
  • Conclusion

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Verifying your site with Google Search Console is like giving your website a superpower. It can help you understand how your website is performing on google. It is the most important step for a blogger or developer. By following the above steps of verification you can make your website’s online presence and and watch it moving to new heights in this digital world!...