A Flourishing Start: Symbolism and Sustainability

The inauguration ceremony set the tone for what would be a truly empowering event. Witnessing the guest being honoured with a flower pot, symbolizing growth and nurturing, filled me with a sense of awe and inspiration. It wasn’t just a gesture; it was a profound symbol of the leadership journey we were all embarking on. Moreover, the commitment to sustainability woven into every aspect of the conclave, from eco-conscious conclave kits to cloth banners, highlighted the organizers’ dedication to making a positive impact beyond the event.

G. Narayanamma Institute Of Technology And Science Fest Experience (WLC’24)

As I stepped into the vibrant ambience of the Women’s Leadership Conclave’24 (WLC’24) at G. Narayanamma Institute Of Technology And Science, little did I know that I was about to embark on a transformative journey of empowerment, inspiration, and connection. Here’s my first-hand account of this enriching experience that left an indelible mark on my perspective.

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