About Placements

The placement process at VIT Bhopal is well-structured, with a dedicated placement cell working closely with industry partners. The M.Tech program’s focus on practical skills and research-oriented projects proved beneficial during placement interviews. The college facilitated internships and industry collaborations, contributing to a higher placement rate. Companies from both the IT and research sectors actively recruited students from the AI and ML programs.

VIT Bhopal Campus Experience

I pursued my Integrated M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal. The campus was modern, equipped with cutting-edge technology, and situated in the heart of Bhopal. The academic environment was dynamic, with experienced faculty members and a curriculum designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI and ML.

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About Placements:

The placement process at VIT Bhopal is well-structured, with a dedicated placement cell working closely with industry partners. The M.Tech program’s focus on practical skills and research-oriented projects proved beneficial during placement interviews. The college facilitated internships and industry collaborations, contributing to a higher placement rate. Companies from both the IT and research sectors actively recruited students from the AI and ML programs....

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