Achieving Scalability and Fault Tolerance in Kafka Clusters

The success of Apache Kafka lies in its ability to scale horizontally and maintain fault tolerance.

Scalability Through Data Partitioning:

  • Parallel Processing: The data partitioning is an efficient tool to carry out parallel data processing over the messages across multiple brokers, so scalability of the system is also enhanced.
  • Load Balancing: The flow control by partitioning balances the workload among the processors, and this leads to optimum utilization of resources and avoidance of the system bottlenecks.
// Creating a topic with three partitions
AdminClient adminClient = AdminClient.create(props);
NewTopic newTopic = new NewTopic("example-topic", 3, (short) 1);

Ensuring Fault Tolerance with Replication:

  • Data Durability: Replication works like a repair allowance by keeping multiple partitions with each copy.
  • Continuous Operation: In the event of redundant performance failure by one broker from the set of replicated brokers, other brokers with the redundant data will involuntarily start to the work and link exchange to provide seamless service.

Strategies for Seamless Recovery from Node Failures:

  • Replica Catch-Up: In case the broker fails according to its recovery policy, the leader node gets in touch with its replica to make sure that the latter one is compliant with its current state.
  • Dynamic Reassignment: The Zookeeper or another mechanism re-allocates the faulty partitions on available brokers. Partitions are assigned to available brokers in an interchangeable manner, which helps recovery of quick action.

Apache Kafka – Cluster Architecture

Apache Kafka has by now made a perfect fit for developing reliable internet-scale streaming applications which are also fault-tolerant and capable of handling real-time and scalable needs. In this article, we will look into Kafka Cluster architecture in Java by putting that in the spotlight.

In this article, we will learn about, Apache Kafka – Cluster Architecture.

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