
  • Nodal analysis is simple to apply and makes complex circuit easy to solve.
  • It has a systematic approach which helps the application easy by following steps.
  • It can be applied to both planar network and non planar network.
  • It can be used in both AC and DC circuit.

Nodal Analysis

In this article, we will understand the nodal analysis with solved examples. We will discuss nodes and their types. We will discuss the procedure for nodal analysis along with some rules. We will also discuss the super node. Then we will see how nodal analysis is different from mesh analysis. Later in the article, we will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and applications.

Table of Content

  • Nodal Analysis
  • Types
  • Procedure and Rules
  • Basic steps for developing equations
  • Super Node Analysis
  • Nodal Analysis Vs Mesh Analysis

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What is Nodal Analysis?

Nodal analysis is a type of circuit analysis in electrical networks. It analyses the circuit using the node voltages. A node is a point in a circuit where two or more branches or elements of a circuit network meet. The potential difference between nodes is used to find various parameters of the circuit. It applies to both the planar and non-planar networks, unlike mesh analysis. KCL is the main law that is used in the nodal analysis along with it KVL and Ohm’s law are also used....

Types of Nodes

There are two types of nodes used in nodal analysis....

Procedure and Rules for applying Nodal Analysis

Given below are Procedure and Rules for applying Nodal Analysis...

Basic steps for developing equations in Nodal Analysis


Super Node Analysis

Super node is special condition of nodes. When a voltage source is present between two non-reference node then it is called as super node. KVL and KCL are both applied to the super node to solve the equations. The procedure remains same as normal nodal analysis but after writing the current equations of different nodes they are added together to define the super node equation and KVL for the super node is applied for solving the equations and finding the node voltages....

Nodal Analysis Vs Mesh Analysis

Mesh Analysis Nodal Analysis It is done through meshes Nodes are used for analyzing KVL was the main law being used KCL was the main law being used Mesh currents were found to find other variables No voltages were found to find other variables Applicable to only planar network Applicable to both planar and non-planar network. Used for circuit with more current sources Used for circuit with more voltage sources....


Its most common application is in circuital analysis for complex circuits with multiple nodes.It is used for designing of circuits and also help in optimizing the circuits.It is used to analyze the power distribution in power systems and control systems. Also used for optimization of these systems....


Nodal analysis is simple to apply and makes complex circuit easy to solve.It has a systematic approach which helps the application easy by following steps.It can be applied to both planar network and non planar network.It can be used in both AC and DC circuit....


It becomes more complex to solve in case non-linear circuit as it is limited to linear relationships.Identification of nodes is very important as choosing wrong nodes may lead to errors.It is not able to provide proper results in case of voltage and current dependent sources....


In conclusion, nodal analysis is a systematic approach of solving complex circuits using node voltages. It uses KCL, KVL and ohm’s law for forming the equations. When a voltage source is present between two non-reference nodes then the node is known as super node. It is used for designing and optimizing circuits and also for power and control systems. It is versatile to use as it is applicable to AC, DC, Planar and non-planar circuits. It also have some limitations like for non-linear networks it becomes difficult to solve the circuits. Although having limitation it is still widely used for solving circuit networks....

FAQs on Nodal Analysis

How is reference node is selected?...