Advantages Exploratory Software Testing

  1. It analyzes the application in a better way when the application is live.
  2. Testers’ creativity, experience, & skill have a great impact on testing outcomes.
  3. Helps in finding usability & UI issues.
  4. Project owners can get insights that were not possible to get with scripted tests.

Difference between Scripted testing and Exploratory testing

In software testing, both methods have specific purposes and goals, one method has a writing test with a purpose and the other has explored the app with a specific purpose. In this article, we have deeply looked into both testing which is Scripted testing and Exploratory Testing

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What is Scripted Software Testing?

In Scripted testing to test specific functionality a tester follows a detailed step-by-step systematic approach. For this testing in advance, the tester has to define the test cases of the functionality along with its instructions to perform it and the expected outcome of the test. Testers follow the testing instructions and steps but in case they may deviate from the script which is very minimal in the case of scripted testing. It ensures that every functionality must be tested and passed. In this scripted testing skilled resources, well-scripted instructions test cases, and verification are required....

Advantages of Scripted Software Testing

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Exploratory Software Testing

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Advantages Exploratory Software Testing

It analyzes the application in a better way when the application is live. Testers’ creativity, experience, & skill have a great impact on testing outcomes. Helps in finding usability & UI issues. Project owners can get insights that were not possible to get with scripted tests....

Disadvantages Exploratory Software Testing

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Scripted Testing vs. Exploratory Testing



In conclusion, we learned about the fact related to the Scripted testing and Exploratory testing in which Exploratory testing allows you flexibility and adaptability and another Scripted testing having the structured and systematic test execution....

Frequently Asked Questions on Difference between Scripted testing and Exploratory testing

What is the difference between scripted testing and exploratory testing?...