Advantages of the Vernam Cipher

  • Perfect Secrecy: With a truly random and unpredictable key of the same length as the message, the charnum cipher provides perfect confidentiality. This means that, in theory, an encrypted message provides no information about the original message.
  • Unbreakable with a Truly Random Key: In theory, if the key stream were truly random and used only once (hence the name “one-time pad”), the Vernam cipher would be unbreakable. The key stream is the same length as the message, and the likelihood of any decryption of the ciphertext is equal.
  • No Pattern Recognition: Unlike other encryption algorithms, the Vernam cipher does not produce a pattern of ciphertext that can be used to break the code. Each character of the ciphertext is encrypted independently.
  • Simple Algorithm: Both the encryption and decryption algorithms are simple and involve a bitwise XOR operation. This simplicity can be an advantage in some situations.

Vernam Cipher in Cryptography

Vernam Cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text. It is one of the Substitution techniques for converting plain text into cipher text. In this mechanism, we assign a number to each character of the Plain-Text, like (a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, … z = 25). 
Method to take key: In the Vernam cipher algorithm, we take a key to encrypt the plain text whose length should be equal to the length of the plain text. 

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Advantages of the Vernam Cipher


Disadvantages of the Vernam Cipher

Perfect Secrecy: With a truly random and unpredictable key of the same length as the message, the charnum cipher provides perfect confidentiality. This means that, in theory, an encrypted message provides no information about the original message....