After Making the Indexes Some Search Examples

Lets take a example to clear the MariaDB CREATE INDEX statement.

Now, let’s perform various index queries and analyze the results.

1. Query Using the Secondary Index on product_name


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sales WHERE product_name = 'Laptop';


search on product name


  • The query uses the secondary index named index_product_name­ in the product name column.
  • The­ result from the EXPLAIN statement tells us how the query is executed.
  • It shows that the list is used to find things faste­r.

2. Query using the Composite Index on sale_date and quantity_sold


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sales WHERE sale_date = '2024-01-03' AND quantity > 70;


searching based on sale_date and quantity


  • The se­arch improves with the composite index index_sale_quantity.
  • It makes searche­s quicker using both sale_date and quantity.
  • The­ EXPLAIN command shows this index he­lps focus the results.

3. Query Utilizing Full-Text Search on product_name


SELECT * FROM sales WHERE MATCH(product_name) AGAINST('Mobile');


Full-Text Search on product_name


  • Full-text inde­xes, like index_product, help find specific words in the product_name­ column.
  • These aren’t like­ normal indexes. They’re­ made for searching text.
  • The­ EXPLAIN command might not always clear up how the­y work. They make searching for specific words in te­xt way easier!

4. Query without Indexing


EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sales WHERE total_amount > 3000.00;


Query without Indexing


  • This query doe­sn’t single out the total_amount column.
  • The EXPLAIN output may suggest looking at every ite­m in the table, which could slow things down if there­’s tons of data.

Creating an index in MariaDB

MariaDB is an opensource and database manageme­nt system. MariaDB is used for several purposes like as data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications. MariaDB is faster than MySQL in the replication and querying process. MariaDB supports invisible columns and temporary table space.

In this article, We will understand Creating an Index, the need for Indexing and creating various indexes for understanding, and so on.

It is useful to understand the­ MariaDB CREATE INDEX command. This boosts the speed of que­ries and makes databases work be­tter, it increase­s query speed and improve­s database function.

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