Agile Testing Quadrants

The whole agile testing process is divided into four quadrants:

1. Quadrant 1 (Automated)

The first agile quadrat focuses on the internal quality of code which contains the test cases and test components that are executed by the test engineers. All test cases are technology-driven and used for automation testing. All through the agile first quadrant of testing, the following testing can be executed:

  • Unit testing.
  • Component testing.

2. Quadrant 2 (Manual and Automated)

The second agile quadrant focuses on the customer requirements that are provided to the testing team before and throughout the testing process. The test cases in this quadrant are business-driven and are used for manual and automated functional testing. The following testing will be executed in this quadrant:

  • Pair testing.
  • Testing scenarios and workflow.
  • Testing user stories and experiences like prototypes.

3. Quadrant 3 (Manual)

The third agile quadrant provides feedback to the first and the second quadrant. This quadrant involves executing many iterations of testing, these reviews and responses are then used to strengthen the code. The test cases in this quadrant are developed to implement automation testing. The testing that can be carried out in this quadrant are:

  • Usability testing.
  • Collaborative testing.
  • User acceptance testing.
  • Collaborative testing.
  • Pair testing with customers.

4. Quadrant 4 (Tools)

The fourth agile quadrant focuses on the non-functional requirements of the product like performance, security, stability, etc. Various types of testing are performed in this quadrant to deliver non-functional qualities and the expected value. The testing activities that can be performed in this quadrant are:

  • Non-functional testing such as stress testing, load testing, performance testing, etc.
  • Security testing.
  • Scalability testing.
  • Infrastructure testing.
  • Data migration testing.


Agile Software Testing

Agile Testing is a type of software testing that follows the principles of agile software development to test the software application. All members of the project team along with the special experts and testers are involved in agile testing. Agile testing is not a separate phase and it is carried out with all the development phases i.e. requirements, design and coding, and test case generation. Agile testing takes place simultaneously throughout the Development Life Cycle. Agile testers participate in the entire development life cycle along with development team members and the testers help in building the software according to the customer requirements and with better design and thus code becomes possible. The agile testing team works as a single team towards the single objective of achieving quality. Agile Testing has shorter time frames called iterations or loops. This methodology is also called the delivery-driven approach because it provides a better prediction on the workable products in less duration time. 

  • Agile testing is an informal process that is specified as a dynamic type of testing.
  • It is performed regularly throughout every iteration of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
  • Customer satisfaction is the primary concern for agile test engineers at some stage in the agile testing process.

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