Algorithm for Inorder Traversal

The inorder traversal of the binary tree can be implemented recursively. The recursive approach which is more straightforward and commonly used due to its natural, elegant implementation that follows directly from the definition.

Algorithm Steps:

  • Visit the Left Subtree: We can begin with the left child of the current node and it can perform the inorder traversal on it.
  • Visit the Current Node: After visiting the entire left subtree and it can process the current node and print it.
  • Visit the Right Subtree: Move to the right child of the current node and it can perform inorder traversal on it.


if node is not null then

Java Program to Perform the Inorder Tree Traversal

The binary tree is the hierarchical data structure in which each node has at most two children and it can referred to as the left child and the right child. Inorder tree traversal is one of the fundamental ways to visit all the nodes in the binary tree. It can specifically visiting the nodes in the left-root-right order.

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