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How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You” in an Interview?

“Why Should We Hire You?” – Doesn’t matter how confident you’re in your knowledge and skillset during an interview, when the interviewer asks this simple yet prominent question, most of the time candidates end up giving a not-so-justifying answer to this question, especially when they’re not already prepared for it. But, staying quiet can deliver a negative impact, and answering it confidently will help you stand out from the other candidates. So, for your help, we have written this article, where we’ll tell you the correct approach to prepare an impressive and accomplished answer to this question 

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Why the question  “Why Should We Hire You?” is asked in the Interview?

This question is generally asked by the employer to know or learn a few things about the person sitting in front of them. However, they can read everything in the resume but to differentiate you from other candidates, this question can assist them well. Also, to understand the significance of this question in an interview, you first need to understand what the employer or interviewer exactly wants to know from your side with this question. So, when asked ” Why Should We Hire You?” shed some light on various aspects such as:...


So, this is the way you are expected to answer “Why Should We Hire You?” in an interview. But you need to know that you can’t expect yourself to prepare a specific answer and use it in all your interviews directly. The answer to this question depends on various situations – Is the question being asked at the start of the interview or the very end? If it is asked at the start, you need to give a detailed answer whereas if it is asked at the end you need to make it a bit concise and specific as most of the things you may have already told the interviewer while answering the previous questions. Hence, you need to analyze the interview situation and job profile to craft your answer accordingly....

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. How to answer “How should we answer you without experience?”...

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