Alternatives of chmod +x Command

Other than using chmod +x, alternative approaches include using octal notation, such as chmod 755, or the symbolic notation, like chmod u+x. Each method offers flexibility in setting permissions based on the user, group, and others.

# Grant execute permission to the owner
$ chmod u+x filename

What Does “chmod +x ” Do and How to Use It?

Chmod is a Linux and Unix command that is performed for some basic operations. In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, the chmod Change mode) command and system call alter the access permissions and special mode flags (specifically, the setuid, setgid, and sticky flags) associated with file system objects, which encompass both files and directories.

Table of Content

  • Why Need to Use the “chmod +x” Command in Linux?
  • What Does the “chmod +x” Command do in Linux?
  • Different File Permissions with chmod +x Command
  • What is the Comparison of “chmod 755” and “chmod +x”?
  • Alternatives of chmod +x Command
  • What Does “chmod +x ” Do and How to Use It?

The chmod command changes the permissions of a file or directory to all types of users. The name “chmod” stands for “change mode,” it allows users to control who can read, write, and execute a file or directory.

Syntax of `chmod` Command in Linux

The chmod command has the following syntax:

chmod [options] permissions file(s)


In Linux and Unix, operations that should work in the chmod command are given below:

  • -R: Recursively change permissions for directories and their contents.
  • +: Add permissions.
  • -: Remove permissions.
  • =: Set permissions explicitly.

File Level permissions-

Permissions are represented using a three-digit octal (base-8) number. Each digit corresponds to a permission set (owner, group, others) and is the sum of the values:

  • 4: Read (r) Grants read permission
  • 2: Write (w) Grant write permission
  • 1: Execute (x) Grant execute permission

Usage of `chmod +x <filename>` in Linux

The command chmod +x <filename> is used to add executable permissions to a file in Linux system. following these steps-

chmod: This is the command used to change file permissions.

+x: The +x option specifies that executable permissions should be added. The + indicates addition, and x represents the executable permission.

<filename>: Replace this with the name of the file for which you want to add executable permissions.

chmod +x

So, here the command grants execute permissions to the file named After running this command, the file becomes executable, allowing users to run it as a script or program.

Stepwise Implementation

So, here we perform chmod +x <filename> command which is used to add executable permissions to a file in a Linux system the step-by-step command to perform:

Step 1: Firstly open the terminal by searching for it in your application menu or using a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl + Alt + T.

Step 2: Navigate to the Directory and use the cd command where your file is located.

cd /path/to/your/directory

Step 3: Execute the chmod Command, Run the chmod +x command followed by the name of the file for which you want to add executable permissions.

chmod +x

Step 4: Now we can verify the changes by listing the files in the directory using the ls command.

ls -l

Once you enter the above command you will see the output as following:

Step 5 : Also we can Execute the chmod Command with Numerical Values.

chmod 755

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Why Need to Use the “chmod +x” Command in Linux?

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What Does the “chmod +x” Command do in Linux?

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Different File Permissions with chmod +x Command

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# Grant read, write, and execute permissions to the owner, and read and execute permissions to the group and others...

Alternatives of chmod +x Command

Other than using chmod +x, alternative approaches include using octal notation, such as chmod 755, or the symbolic notation, like chmod u+x. Each method offers flexibility in setting permissions based on the user, group, and others....

What Does “chmod +x ” Do and How to Use It?

The command “chmod +x ” adds execute permissions to the specified file, allowing it to be run as a program or script. To use it, open the terminal, navigate to the file’s directory, and execute “chmod +x filename”. This enhances the file’s functionality by enabling direct execution....


In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, the command chmod +x filename> adds executable permissions to a specified file. The chmod command is used to change file permissions, and the +x argument specifies that executable permissions should be added....