
Analytify is one of the best wordpress plugins for bloggers that allows you to integrate the blog with Google Analytics without writing the code. It shows the traffic you are generating from blog posts.


  • Offer page-level analytics to help understand and organize posts and metrics.
  • Get the total number of visits from every social media brand.
  • Send automated email reports to you every month without charging anything.


  • The free version of one of these best plugins for WordPress colours is available with great features.
  • Easy to configure social media share buttons with a backend interface.


  • The features used to set up Google Analytics tracking needs to be clarified.
  • You need to pay extra for add-ons.


  • Developer: $299/year.
  • Conversion: $199/year.
  • Pro: $75/year.


10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

WordPress is the best blogging platform for bloggers to start their blogs on different topics. It is simple to use, post blogs, and monetize for money. However, if you want to enhance the functionality of the blogs and have social media icons or forms or other functionality, you need to have plugins.
10 must-have WordPress plugins for bloggers are essential for connecting to the broader audience and protecting the blog against security threats. It would help if you also had social media plugins to share your post with others who liked it on social media. In this post, we have listed the must-have:

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