
The antilog or anti-logarithm of a number, number to base, the base can be calculated as,




base: a positive integer (base of antilog)

number: an integer whose antilog to be computed

Return type:

a positive integer: antilog of number to base 

Example 1:

In this example, we will see how we can calculate antilog of the following positive numbers,

  • antilog2 (3)
  • antilog4 (2)
  • antilog10 (4)
  • antiloge (4.60517018598809)

Since antilog2 (3) is equal to 23 = 8, antilog4 (2) is equal to 42 = 16 and antilog10 (4) is equal to 104 = 10000 we can calculate these values with the help of exponentiation operator (^) in R. We can also compute the antilogarithm of a number to base e by passing a single parameter to the exp() inbuilt function. 


# R program to illustrate how we can
# compute antilog
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = 3
# Initializing base
base = 2
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog2(3) is equal to", answer))
# Initializing base
base = 4
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = 2
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog4(2) is equal to", answer))
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = 4
# Initializing base
base = 10
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog2(3) is equal to", answer))
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = 4.60517018598809
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antiloge(4.60517018598809) is equal to", exp(number)))


Example 2:

In this example, we will see how we can calculate antilog of the following negative numbers,

  • antilog2 (-3)
  • antilog4 (-2)
  • antilog10 (-4)
  • antiloge (-4.60517018598809)

Since antilog2 (-3) is equal to 2-3 = 1 / 8 , antilog4 (-2) is equal to 4-2 = 1 / 16 and antilog10 (-4) is equal to 10-4 = 1 / 10000 we can calculate these value with the help of exponentiation operator (^) in R.  We can also compute the antilogarithm of a number to base e by passing a single parameter to the exp() inbuilt function. 


# R program to illustrate how we can compute antilog
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = -3
# Initializing base
base = 2
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog2(-3) is equal to", answer))
# Initializing base
base = 4
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = -2
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog4(-2) is equal to", answer))
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = -4
# Initializing base
base = 10
# Computing antilog value
answer = base ^ number
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antilog10(-4) is equal to", answer))
# An integer whose antilog to be computed
number = -4.60517018598809
# Print the value of antilog
print(paste("The value of antiloge(-4.60517018598809) is equal to", exp(number)))


How to Find the Antilog of Values in R?

The antilog or anti-logarithm is the inverse process of finding log or logarithm. If q is the value of logb p then p is the antilog of q to the base b that is, q = logb p then p = antilogb q


  • antilog2 3 = 8, since 23 yields 8
  • antilog4 2 = 16, since 42 yields 16
  • antilog10 4 = 10000, since 104 yields 10000

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