Append Data in Excel Using Python

Below, are some examples to understand how to append data in excel using Python:

excel1.xlsx: Let’s say we have an existing Excel file named ‘excel1.xlsx’ with the following data:


Example 1: Append Data In Excel Using Pandas Library

Before getting started, ensure that the pandas library is installed. If not, you can install it using:

pip install pandas

In this example, below Python code uses the Pandas library to append new data (e.g., {‘Name’: [‘Bob’], ‘Age’: [28], ‘Salary’: [55000]}) to an existing Excel file (‘excel1.xlsx’). It reads the existing data into a DataFrame, appends the new data, and then saves the combined data back to the original Excel file.


import pandas as pd
# Existing Excel file
existing_file = 'excel1.xlsx'
# New data to append
new_data = {'Name': ['Bob'], 'Age': [28], 'Salary': [55000]}
df_new = pd.DataFrame(new_data)
# Read existing data
df_existing = pd.read_excel(existing_file)
# Append new data
df_combined = df_existing.append(df_new, ignore_index=True)
# Save the combined data to Excel
df_combined.to_excel(existing_file, index=False)



Example 2: Append Data In Excel Using Openpyxl Library

If you don’t have the openpyxl library installed, you can install it using

pip install openpyxl

In this example, below Python code utilizes the openpyxl library to load an existing Excel file (‘existing_data.xlsx’), appends new data (e.g., [‘Bob’, 28, 55000]) to its active sheet, and saves the modified workbook back to the original file.


from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Existing Excel file
existing_file = 'excel1.xlsx'
# New data to append
new_data = [['Bob', 28, 55000]]
# Load existing workbook
wb = load_workbook(existing_file)
# Select the active sheet
ws =
# Append new data
for row in new_data:
# Save the workbook




In conlcusion, Appending data to an existing Excel file using Python is a straightforward process with the help of libraries like pandas and openpyxl. Whether you prefer the convenience of pandas for its DataFrame operations or the direct manipulation capabilities of openpyxl, Python provides versatile tools for efficiently managing and updating Excel data. Choose the approach that best fits your workflow and data manipulation needs.

How to Append Data in Excel Using Python

We are given an Excel file and our task is to append the data into this excel file using Python. In this article, we’ll explore different approaches to append data to an Excel file using Python.

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