Applications of GraphQL

Web and Mobile Applications

GraphQL is widely used in web and mobile app development where efficient data retrieval and flexible queries are ofetn required. It allows frontend developers to request only for the data needed which improves performance and reduces over-fetching or under-fetching of data.

Microservices Architecture

In a microservices architecture, where applications are made of multiple independent services, GraphQL can act as a unified interface for clients to fetch data from various microservices. This simplifies the communication between services and provide a single endpoint for clients.

GraphQL vs REST: Which is Better for APIs?

In the world of web development, communication between a client (like a web or mobile app) and a server is crucial. Traditional REST APIs have been the go-to solution for many years, but GraphQL is emerging as a powerful alternative that offers more flexibility and efficiency. GraphQL is a query language for API and a server-side runtime engine used for data query and manipulation. It was developed by Facebook, and later made open source, and is now managed by GraphQL foundation hosted by Linux foundation. Many popular public APIs like Facebook, GitHub, Yelp, Shopify, and Google Directions API adopted GraphQL as the default way to access their services.

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What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is an open-source query language and server-side runtime engine used to query and manipulate data using API. GraphQL uses declarative data fetching where the client can describe exactly what data it wants rather than getting a whole lot of data from a traditional API or using multiple end-points to give the client the required data. GraphQL is compatible with Java and frameworks like Spring, NodeJS, and Express and can also be used in Django....

Key Concepts in GraphQL

1. Schema...

GraphQL Query

Query is one of the operation of GraphQL where other two are Mutations, and Subscriptions. A GraphQL query is used to fetch data, GraphQL server executes the query and gives result....

Example: Which is Better for APIs?

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Differences Between GraphQL and REST API

GraphQL REST API GraphQL uses single endpoint for every operation. REST API uses multiple endpoints for different operations In GraphQL client defines what data is required. REST API fetches data using pre-defined rules. GraphQL reduces over-fetching and under-fetching. Over-fetching and under-fetching are the common issues with Rest API. GraphQL supports real-time updates with subscriptions REST API relies on polling for real-time data GraphQL is a growing technology with various tools and libraries. REST APIs are well established ecosystem with multiple libraries and tools....

Characteristics of GraphQL

1. Declarative Data...

Applications of GraphQL

Web and Mobile Applications...


Compared to conventional REST APIs, GraphQL offers a more effective and adaptable substitute, enabling developers to create better apps. GraphQL enhances client-server communication by enabling clients to define their data requirements, which leads to more efficient and effective applications. Understanding and utilizing GraphQL is a useful skill as you move ahead towards advance in web development since it will improve your capacity to design responsive, and effective applications....