Applications of Level Order Binary Tree Traversal

Level order traversal is particularly useful in applications where processes need to be executed in a breadth-first manner. This includes scenarios such as:

  • Real-time Decision Making: In AI and game development, decisions based on current state evaluations are critical.
  • Serialization/Deserialization : Ensuring that data structures are serialized and deserialized in a breadth-first manner preserves structural integrity across operations.
  • Building Index: Databases use binary trees for indexing where quick access to data is crucial.

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal in C++

Trees are the type of data structure that stores the data in the form of nodes having a parent or children or both connected through edges. It leads to a hierarchical tree-like structure that can be traversed in multiple ways such as —preorder, inorder, postorder, and level order. A binary tree is a tree data structure a node can only have 2 children at max.

In this article, we will learn about level order binary tree traversal in C++, how to implement it using a C++ program and analyze its time and space complexity.

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