Applications of Monotonic Stack

Here are some applications of monotonic stacks:

  • Finding Next Greater Element: Monotonic stacks are often used to find the next greater element for each element in an array. This is a common problem in competitive programming and has applications in various algorithms.
  • Finding Previous Greater Element: Similarly, monotonic stacks can be used to find the previous greater element for each element in an array.
  • Finding Maximum Area Histogram: Monotonic stacks can be applied to find the maximum area of a histogram. This problem involves finding the largest rectangular area possible in a given histogram.
  • Finding Maximum Area in Binary Matrix: Monotonic stacks can also be used to find the maximum area of a rectangle in a binary matrix. This is a variation of the maximum area histogram problem.
  • Finding Sliding Window Maximum/Minimum: Monotonic stacks can be used to efficiently find the maximum or minimum elements within a sliding window of a given array.
  • Expression Evaluation: Monotonic stacks can be used to evaluate expressions involving parentheses, such as checking for balanced parentheses or evaluating the value of an arithmetic expression.

Introduction to Monotonic Stack – Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials

A monotonic stack is a special data structure used in algorithmic problem-solving. Monotonic Stack maintaining elements in either increasing or decreasing order. It is commonly used to efficiently solve problems such as finding the next greater or smaller element in an array etc.

Monotonic Stack

Table of Content

  • What is Monotonic Stack?
  • Types of Monotonic Stack
    • Monotonic Increasing Stack
    • Monotonic Decreasing Stack
  • Applications of Monotonic Stack
  • Advantages of Monotonic Stack
  • Disadvantages of Monotonic Stack
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Monotonic Stack:

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What is Monotonic Stack?

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Types of Monotonic Stack:

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Monotonic Increasing Stack:

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Monotonic Decreasing Stack:

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Applications of Monotonic Stack :

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Advantages of Monotonic Stack:

Efficient for finding the next greater or smaller element in an array.Useful for solving a variety of problems, such as finding the nearest smaller element or calculating the maximum area of histograms.In many cases, the time complexity of algorithms using monotonic stacks is linear, making them efficient for processing large datasets....

Disadvantages of Monotonic Stack:

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Monotonic Stack:

1. What is a monotonic stack?...