Applications of Photoelectric Effect

Photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material (such as a metal) when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, typically light. The real life applications of photoelectric effect in daily life is explained below:

Solar Panel

Solar panel convert light energy into electricity with the help of Photoelectric effect. When the photons of sunlight falls on the semiconductor installed on the solar panel, they displaces the electrons from their atoms and movement of electron causes generate electricity.

Light Sensors

Photo cells are used in light sensors, when light falls on the photo cells it creates electric energy which can be used to trigger various switches like automatic light on-off system.

Digital Cameras

CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) or CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) sensor is used in digital camera which uses the principles of photo electric effect which converts light energy into electrical signals. These electrical signals are used to create digital image.

Barcode Scanners

Photodiodes are used in the scanner when it placed on the barcode intensity of the light changes. Photoelectric effect is used to convert these lights into digital which can be used identify the product.

Smoke Detector

Light source and a photosensitive sensor are used in the smoke detector to detect the fire. When smoke enter inside the case of sensor it scatters light on the sensor which triggers the alarm and started sprinkling water.

Security Systems

Security system uses photoelectric sensor to detect the motion of an object. It works by emitting light rays and measure it’s reflection. Changes in the intensity of the reflected light indicates the motion of the object or presence of the any object which trigger the alarms and alert the security personnel.

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy involves irradiating a surface with x-rays and measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons that are released. It is used to learn important features of a surface’s chemistry, such as elemental composition, chemical composition, the empirical formula of compounds, and chemical state, can be acquired.

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Real Life Applications of Photoelectric Effect

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light or electromagnetic radiation of sufficient energy. In simpler terms, it’s when light shining on a surface causes the emission of electrons from that surface.

Applications of Photoelectric Effect

When a metal is exposed to light, metal emits electrons from its valence shell. This is called photoelectric effect. The real life applications of photoelectric effect is used in various optoelectronic devices, in photodiodes, photovoltaic cells etc. In this article we will learn in details about various photoelectric effects.

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What is Photoelectric Effect?...