Applications of  Zener Diode

Zener diode is a very useful diode. Due to its ability to allow current to flow in reverse bias conditions, it is used widely for various purposes. Some of the common uses of Zener Diode are discussed below,

Zener diode as Voltage Regulator

Zener diode is utilized as a Shunt voltage controller for managing voltage across little loads. The breakdown voltage of Zener diodes will be steady for a wide scope of current. The Zener diode is associated with corresponding to the heap to make it switch predisposition and when the Zener diode surpasses knee voltage, the voltage across the heap will become consistent.

Zener Diode in Over-Voltage Protection

At the point when the info voltage is higher than the Zener breakage voltage, the voltage across the resistor drops bringing about a short-out. This can be kept away from by utilizing the Zener diode.

Zener Diode in Clipping Circuits

Zener diode is utilized for adjusting AC waveform cutting circuits by restricting the pieces of it is possible that one or both the half patterns of an AC waveform.

Zener Diode

Zener Diode is one of the most important semiconductor diodes used in our daily life. It is a specific diode that works in reverse bias conditions. It allows current to flow from anode to cathode and it also works in the reverse direction. Let’s learn about Zener Diodes their function, and their construction, in detail in this article.

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History of Zener Diodes

A theoretical physicist working at Bell Labs was the first man to describe the electrical properties of Zener Diode. His name was Clarence Melvin Zener, he was the first to tell about this special diode that works on reverse bias conditions so the diode is named after him Zener Diode. He first postulated the breakdown effect in a paper published in 1934....

Zener Diode Explanation

Zener diode that is also known as a breakdown diode is a heavily doped semiconductor device that has been specially designed to operate in the reverse direction. When the potential reaches the Zener voltage which is also known as Knee voltage and the voltage across the terminal of the Zener diode is reversed, at that point time, the junction breaks down and the current starts flowing in the reverse direction. This effect is known as the Zener effect....

Zener Diode Circuit Diagram

The figure given below is the circuit diagram of the Zener diode. The Zener diode has applications in various electronic devices and it works in reverse biasing conditions. In reverse biasing, the P-type material of the diode is connected with the negative terminal of the power supply, and the n-type material is connected with the positive terminal of the power supply. The diode consists of a very thin depletion region as it is made up of heavily doped semiconductor material....

Zener Diode Working

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Zener Diode Working in Reverse Biased

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Avalanche Breakdown vs Zener Breakdown

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VI Characteristics of Zener Diode

The graph given underneath shows the V-I characteristics of the Zener diode....

Applications of  Zener Diode

Zener diode is a very useful diode. Due to its ability to allow current to flow in reverse bias conditions, it is used widely for various purposes. Some of the common uses of Zener Diode are discussed below,...

Zener Diode Specifications

Zener Diode is one other most commonly used diode and some of the specifications of Zener diode are,...

FAQs on Zener Diode

Question 1: What is a Zener diode?...