Event Binding with $event Object

By passing the event object as an argument to the component method, this syntax enables access to additional event data, such as mouse coordinates or input values, providing more complex event handling scenarios.

<!-- user-events.component.html -->

<h3>Event Binding with $event Object</h3>
<input (input)="handleInput($event)" placeholder="Type something">
<p>Input value: {{ inputValue }}</p>

inputValue: string = '';

handleInput(event: any) {
    this.inputValue = event.target.value;

Handle User Events in Angular Components

User events are very important for creating interactive and responsive applications in Angular. These events allow users to interact with the user interface (UI) elements, and Angular provides a convenient way to handle these events within components.

In Angular, user events can be handled using event binding. Event binding allows you to bind component methods or expressions to specific events that occur on UI elements. When a user interacts with the UI element, the corresponding event is triggered, and Angular executes the associated method or expression.

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