Sum of Digits at Even and Odd Places using Mathematical Operations

Another approach is to extract digits from the number using mathematical operations and then calculate the sums.


function evenOddDigitSum($num) {
    $evenSum = 0;
    $oddSum = 0;

    while ($num > 0) {
        $digit = $num % 10;
        if ($digit % 2 == 0) {
            $evenSum += $digit;
        } else {
            $oddSum += $digit;
        $num = (int) ($num / 10);

    return ["even" => $evenSum, "odd" => $oddSum];

// Driver code
$num = 123456;
$sums = evenOddDigitSum($num);

echo "Even Places Digit Sum: " . $sums["even"] . "\n";
echo "Odd Places Digit Sum: " . $sums["odd"];


Even Places Digit Sum: 12
Odd Places Digit Sum: 9

Sum of Digits at Even and Odd Places in PHP

Given a Number, the task is to sum the Digit of Even and Odd places using PHP. Calculating the sum of digits at even and odd places in a number is a common programming task. Here, we will cover all approaches with detailed explanations and code examples.

Table of Content

  • Using a Loop
  • Using Mathematical Operations

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