How to useCustom Conversion Logic in PHP

We can convert binary to hexadecimal manually by iterating over each nibble (4 bits) of the binary number and converting it to its hexadecimal equivalent.


function binToHex($bin) {
    $hex = '';
    $len = strlen($bin);
    for ($i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 4) {
        $nibble = substr($bin, max(0, $i - 3), min(4, $i + 1));
        $hex = dechex(bindec($nibble)) . $hex;
    return $hex;

// Driver Code
// Bunary Number
$bin = '110110101011';

// Convert Binary to Hex
$hex = binToHex($bin);

echo $hex;




  • We iterate over the binary number in groups of 4 bits (nibbles).
  • For each nibble, we convert it to decimal using bindec() and then to hexadecimal using dechex().
  • We concatenate the hexadecimal representation of each nibble to get the final hexadecimal number.

How to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal in PHP?

Given a Binary Number, the task is to convert Binary number to Hexadecimal Number in PHP. There are different approaches to convert a binary number to its hexadecimal representation using PHP. Hexadecimal (base-16) is commonly used in computing because it’s more compact than binary and easier to read than binary or decimal.

Table of Content

  • Using bindec() and dechex() Functions
  • Using base_convert() Function
  • Using Custom Conversion Logic

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