How to use“size” prop in ReactJS

In this approach, we will use the “size” prop of the <Form. Control>. We can pass two different values:

  • “sm”: When the size prop has sm as a value, it decreases the size of the input fields.
  • “lg”: When the size prop has lg as a value, it increases the size of the input fields.

Example: In this example, we will decrease input height using a size prop. We have used size prop in the email field only to see the difference between the input height of textarea and input.


import FloatingLabel from "react-bootstrap/FloatingLabel";
import { Container, Form } from "react-bootstrap";
function App() {
    return (
            <Container className=" m-3">
                <h2 style={{ color: "green" }}>
                    Decreasing input height with floating label
                <FloatingLabel controlId="floatingInput"
                               label="Email address">
                <FloatingLabel controlId="floatingTextarea2" label="Comments">
                        placeholder="Leave a comment here"
                        style={{ height: "100px" }}
export default App;


How to decrease input height with floating labels in React-Bootstrap?

React-Bootstrap is a front-end framework that was designed keeping React in mind. Let’s learn a little bit about floating labels. Floating labels are the form labels that float over the input fields. For creating floating labels, we wrap <Form.Control> element inside <FloatingLabel>.

In this article, we are going to see different ways through which we can decrease the input height of form elements with floating labels in React-Bootstrap. Below are some approaches to do it.

Table of Content

  • Using “size” prop
  • Using custom CSS

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