Approach to Create a Budget Tracking App with Node.js and Express.js

  • Set up a database connection using Mongoose
  • Implement user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or sessions.
  • Create routes and corresponding controllers for user registration, login, logout, and authentication middleware.
  • Define Mongoose models for incomes and implement CRUD operations for managing user incomes.
  • Define Mongoose models for expenses and handle CRUD operations.
  • Define Mongoose models for budgets and handle CRUD operations.
  • Implement routes and controllers for generating reports like monthly expense reports and income vs. expense analysis by aggregating data.
  • Set up middleware functions for tasks such as request logging, error handling, and authentication verification.
  • Implement error handling middleware to catch and respond to errors gracefully.
  • Use validation libraries like express-validator to validate incoming request data for routes related to income, expenses, and budgets to ensure data integrity.

Budget Tracking App with Node.js and Express.js

In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating a Budget Tracking App with Node.js and Express.js. This application will provide users with the ability to track their income, expenses, and budgets. It will allow users to add, delete, and view their income and expenses, as well as set budgets for different expense categories. Additionally, users will be able to generate reports to analyze their financial data over time.


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Approach to Create a Budget Tracking App with Node.js and Express.js

Set up a database connection using MongooseImplement user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or sessions.Create routes and corresponding controllers for user registration, login, logout, and authentication middleware.Define Mongoose models for incomes and implement CRUD operations for managing user incomes.Define Mongoose models for expenses and handle CRUD operations.Define Mongoose models for budgets and handle CRUD operations.Implement routes and controllers for generating reports like monthly expense reports and income vs. expense analysis by aggregating data.Set up middleware functions for tasks such as request logging, error handling, and authentication verification.Implement error handling middleware to catch and respond to errors gracefully.Use validation libraries like express-validator to validate incoming request data for routes related to income, expenses, and budgets to ensure data integrity....

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