Approach to create a Real-time Notification

  • It receives real-time updates via a WebSocket connection using the library.
  • app/page.js is a page component that uses the library to connect to the server and listen for notifications. When a notification is received, it is displayed on the page.
  • app/layout.js is a wrapper for all pages in the app. It’s a good place to put shared components and styles.
  • app/add/page.js is the page component for the add route. It is a React component that is rendered when the user navigates to /add. It contains a form that allows the user to add a new notification. When the form is submitted, the handleSubmit function is called, which sends a POST request to the server with the notification data.
  • Establishes a WebSocket connection using io(‘http://localhost:4000’) via useMemo.
  • Uses useEffect to handle connection events and attempts to reconnect in case of errors.
  • Creates an Express server and a server.
  • server.js is the file that will handle the POST request from the client and emit the notification to the client.
  • Handles WebSocket connections and updates in real-time.
  • Logs user connections, emits initial data, and updates data on send notification.

Real-time Notification System using Next.js and

This article explains the process of creating a Real Time Notification System using Next.js and In a typical scenario, imagine the need to create a user-friendly application. This application helps the user to send and receive notifications and can be used in multiple projects like E-commerce, chat applications, etc.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

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Approach to create a Real-time Notification:

It receives real-time updates via a WebSocket connection using the is a page component that uses the library to connect to the server and listen for notifications. When a notification is received, it is displayed on the is a wrapper for all pages in the app. It’s a good place to put shared components and is the page component for the add route. It is a React component that is rendered when the user navigates to /add. It contains a form that allows the user to add a new notification. When the form is submitted, the handleSubmit function is called, which sends a POST request to the server with the notification data. Establishes a WebSocket connection using io(‘http://localhost:4000’) via useMemo.Uses useEffect to handle connection events and attempts to reconnect in case of errors.Creates an Express server and a server.server.js is the file that will handle the POST request from the client and emit the notification to the client.Handles WebSocket connections and updates in real-time.Logs user connections, emits initial data, and updates data on send notification....

Steps to create the NextJS Application

Step 1: Create a Next.js project using the following command:...

Project Structure:

Project Structure of Real Time Notification System...