Approach to Create Address Book using MEAN Stack


  • Set up a new node js project
  • Set up the server using express with CORS as the middleware in file server.js
  • Create the app instance using const app = express()
  • Twilio a cloud communication platform used to send or receive text message which can help developers to implement the multi-factor authentication functionality.
  • Set up a twilio account and get the configuration details
  • Create controllers folder which will define the API methods
  • Create models folder to create the database schema for user
  • Create router folder and mention all the routes related to user login, register and verify for checking the code entered by user
  • Set up local Mongo DB database.
  • Set up the connection to local Mongo DB in server.js file
  • Create collections within the database to store and retrieve the data from database
  • One collection is created – user
  • Create .env files for storing the environment variables for config details related to twilio account, database and port
  • Implement the core logic of register, login and generation and verification of the code
  • Test the API endpoints using postman


  • Create a new angular project
  • Create components folder and seperate components for seperate routes – user component for login and register functionality and verify component for verification code feature
  • Create HTML, CSS and ts files for all the components
  • Create service to establish communication between frontend and backend routes
  • Create various routes in app.routes.ts folder for login, register and verify
  • Test the frontend application in browser at https://localhost:3000

Multi Factor authentication using MEAN

Multi-factor authentication is important and common in every website or app to securely login the user. In this article, we will see how we can implement Multi-factor authentication using MEAN Stack. MEAN Stack includes the use of Angular for frontend, Node JS and Express for backend, and MongoDB as the database.

Project Preview:


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Approach to Create Address Book using MEAN Stack


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