Approach to Create Community Marketplace App

  • Define a functional component named App in ‘App.js‘.
  • Make a list of necessary dependencies and component and import them.
  • Define Nav and ProductList components and wrap them inside in the App components to provide access to shared context data
  • Create Seller.js page with form component.
  • Use React Router to navigate between different pages.
  • Use Axios to fetch data from backend server.
  • Establish connections to the MongoDB database from the backend server using Mongoose or MongoDB native drivers.

Community Marketplace App using MERN Stack

Building a community Marketplace App will help you understand the foundational concepts of full-stack development using the MERN(MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, NodeJS) stack. This tutorial will guide you to set up the backend server for the project and demonstrate the integration of frontend functionality with backend setup. This tutorial will teach you how to leverage mongoDB to create and store product profiles.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.


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React JS MongoDB ExpressJS NodeJS MERN Stack...

Approach to Create Community Marketplace App:

Define a functional component named App in ‘App.js‘. Make a list of necessary dependencies and component and import them. Define Nav and ProductList components and wrap them inside in the App components to provide access to shared context data Create Seller.js page with form component. Use React Router to navigate between different pages. Use Axios to fetch data from backend server. Establish connections to the MongoDB database from the backend server using Mongoose or MongoDB native drivers....

Steps to Create a Backend Server:

Step 1: Create a new directory named backend....

Project Structure:

project structure backend...

Steps to Create the Frontend:


Project Structure:

Step 1: Create the frontend repository named client in the main repository....