Approach to Create Social Networking Platform with NextJS

  • Home Page: Displays recent posts fetched from the backend API.
  • Post Interaction: Users can like posts and add comments.
  • Create Post: Users can create new posts with a title, content, and optional image upload.
  • Backend API: Provides endpoints for fetching recent posts, creating posts, liking posts, and adding comments. Uses MongoDB as the database.

Social Networking Platform using Next.js

The Social Networking Platform built with NextJS is a web application that provides users the functionality to add a post, like a post, and be able to comment on it. The power of NextJS, a popular React framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) and statically generated web applications, this platform offers a seamless user experience with fast loading times and smooth navigation.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like

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Approach to Create Social Networking Platform with NextJS:

Home Page: Displays recent posts fetched from the backend API.Post Interaction: Users can like posts and add comments.Create Post: Users can create new posts with a title, content, and optional image upload.Backend API: Provides endpoints for fetching recent posts, creating posts, liking posts, and adding comments. Uses MongoDB as the database....

Steps to Create the NextJS App:

Step 1: Set up a NextJS project using the following command....

Project Structure:
