Approach to Create Text Adventure Game using MERN

  • Set up a MongoDB database to store text nodes with options.
  • Create a Node.js backend using Express to handle API routes for text nodes.
  • Develop a React frontend to display text nodes and options, fetching data from the backend API.
  • Use Axios to make HTTP requests from the frontend to the backend.
  • Design a simple UI with CSS to enhance the user experience.
  • Implement logic in React to navigate through text nodes based on user choices.
  • Deploy the MERN stack app to a hosting platform for accessibility.

Text Adventure Game Engine with MERN Stack

Creating a Text Adventure is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to understand full-stack development. In this article, we’ll make a Text Adventure from scratch using the MERN(MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. This project will help navigate backend development, and teach you the process of integrating frontend functionality with backend infrastructure. It will also showcase how to leverage MongoDB for storing options.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

Text Adventure Game Engine with MERN Stack


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