
  • Data Parallelism using OpenMP
  • Task Parallelism using OpenMP

Parallel Dijkstra’s Algorithm: SSSP in Parallel

The Parallel computing has become essential for solving computationally intensive problems efficiently. Dijkstra’s algorithm is a well-known graph algorithm used to find the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a graph. When dealing with large graphs and it becomes necessary to parallelize the algorithm to achieve faster results.

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Approaches :

Data Parallelism using OpenMPTask Parallelism using OpenMP...

Approach 1: Data Parallelism using OpenMP

Divide the nodes into chunks and assign each chunk to the thread. Each thread computes the shortest path for its assigned nodes in the parallel....

Approach 2: Task Parallelism using OpenMP

Create parallel tasks for the each node. Each task computes the shortest path for its assigned node independently....