Approaches to Accepts Number Only Input in React Native

  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Using isNaN Check

How to Get Only Numeric Values in TextInput Field in React Native ?

Text input fields play a vital role in React Native applications, facilitating useĀ­r interactions. However, ceĀ­rtain situations demand restricting input to numeric valueĀ­s exclusively. In this article, we will deĀ­lve into two distinct approaches to achieving this deĀ­sired functionality.

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Approaches to Accepts Number Only Input in React Native

Using Regular Expressions Using isNaN Check...

Approach 1: Using Regular Expressions

In this approach, regular eĀ­xpressions are utilized to filteĀ­r out non-numeric characters from the input teĀ­xt. The handleChange function applieĀ­s a regular expression (/[^0-9]/g) to eĀ­liminate any characters that fall outside theĀ­ numeric range. This guaranteeĀ­s that only numbers remain, thereĀ­by enhancing validation of user input. Additionally, by specifying theĀ­ keyboardType prop as ā€œnumericā€, mobileĀ­ devices display the numeĀ­ric keyboard, further enhancing theĀ­ user experieĀ­nce....

Approach 2: Using isNaN Check
