Arguments against Social Responsibility

The arguments against Social Responsibility are as follows:

1. Violation of Profit Maximisation Objective: It is considered that social responsibility is against the objective of profit maximisation. But business is an economic activity and its main goal is to earn and maximise profit.

2. Burden on Consumers: Huge financial investment, which has no proper return, is required to fulfil social responsibilities, like in the case of pollution control and environmental protection. The burden of such costs is usually passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. It is unfair to pass the burden on consumers in the name of social responsibility.

3. Lack of Social Skills: There is a difference between the way in which how business problems and social problems are solved. A person might be good at managing a business but may not have the required skills to solve complex social problems. Therefore, social problems should be solved by specialised agencies.

4. Lack of Broad Public Support: Businesses do not get the support of people as the public does not like the involvement or interference of businesses in social programmes.

Social Responsibility : Arguments For and Against Social Responsibility

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