Assessment of the First Five-Year Plan

  • During the time of independence, a lot of issues were observed in the country. In addition to facing the partition issues as well as refugee influxes, many more economic imbalances were also noticed owing to the occurrence of the Second World War. Acute food shortage was seen during this time. 
  • Under the establishment of the five-year plan, a planned economy was also observed. A socialist goal was laid down which was based on the achievement of self-sufficiency in terms of the production of food. Therefore, the top priority was the field of agriculture. The entire cost of the first five-year plan was decided at Rs. 2069 crore. It was then later increased to the amount of Rs. 2378 crore.  
  • There weren’t any particular data studies at the specific point of time. This approach of the five-year plan commission was relatively random in nature. The idea was based on the joint work of a large number of enterprises that were distant from one another. However, the plan resulted in major success due to good harvests and a large emphasis on irrigation as well as agriculture. 
  • In addition to this, the nation was able to achieve its targets reflected by the growth parameter as well as the national income was boosted. The infant mortality rate was also reduced when the Indian government joined hands in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

First Five-Year Plan: Objective and Assessment

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During the time of independence, a lot of issues were observed in the country. In addition to facing the partition issues as well as refugee influxes, many more economic imbalances were also noticed owing to the occurrence of the Second World War. Acute food shortage was seen during this time.  Under the establishment of the five-year plan, a planned economy was also observed. A socialist goal was laid down which was based on the achievement of self-sufficiency in terms of the production of food. Therefore, the top priority was the field of agriculture. The entire cost of the first five-year plan was decided at Rs. 2069 crore. It was then later increased to the amount of Rs. 2378 crore.   There weren’t any particular data studies at the specific point of time. This approach of the five-year plan commission was relatively random in nature. The idea was based on the joint work of a large number of enterprises that were distant from one another. However, the plan resulted in major success due to good harvests and a large emphasis on irrigation as well as agriculture.  In addition to this, the nation was able to achieve its targets reflected by the growth parameter as well as the national income was boosted. The infant mortality rate was also reduced when the Indian government joined hands in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO)....

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