Autoscaling group in aws using terraform

What are the key Terraform resources required to create a Auto Scaling group?

The two key Terraform resources required to create an Auto Scaling group are aws_launch_configuration and aws_autoscaling_group.

How to associate the Auto Scaling group with an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or Target Group?

To associate the Auto Scaling group with an ELB, use the load_balancers argument in the aws_autoscaling_group resource and provide the names or ARNs of the ELBs.

Is it possible create multiple Auto Scaling groups using a single Terraform configuration?

Yes, just define multiple aws_launch_configuration and aws_autoscaling_group resources in a single Terraform configuration to create multiple Auto Scaling groups with different configurations.

How do you attach an Auto Scaling group to an Elastic Load Balancer?

To attach an Auto Scaling group to an Elastic Load Balancer, you need to specify the target_group_arns argument in the aws_autoscaling_group resource with the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the target groups to which the instances should be registered.

How To Create Autoscaling Group In AWS Using Terraform ?

An auto-scaling group is a service that is provided in EC2 and is primarily used for an automatic increase or decrease in a number of EC2 instances based on the application’s user traffic. For example, if your application is experiencing high traffic, the auto-scaling group can launch extra instances to handle the increased load, and if the traffic coming towards to application is low, the auto-scaling group can shut down or terminate unnecessary instances for cost-saving purposes. The auto-scaling group can be created based on scaling policies, These policies can be defined for scaling in and out in response to various metrics, such as CPU utilization, network traffic, or custom metrics.

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What are the key Terraform resources required to create a Auto Scaling group?...