Auxin Hormone Function

Auxin performs the following functions:

Function of Auxins

  1. Cell Elongation: Auxin promotes elongation of plant cells by stimulating cell wall loosening and increasing cell membrane flexibility.
  2. Apical Dominance: It inhibits the growth of lateral buds and maintains the dominance of the apical meristem. It also promotes vertical growth.
  3. Tropisms: Auxin mediates tropic responses such as phototropism (response to light) and gravitropism (response to gravity) by regulating differential growth in plant organs.
  4. Root Development: It promotes root growth and development by stimulating cell division and elongation in the root meristem.
  5. Vascular Tissue Differentiation: Auxin influences the differentiation of vascular tissues, promoting the formation of xylem and phloem elements necessary for water and nutrient transport.
  6. Fruit Development: It regulates fruit development by promoting cell division and enlargement in developing fruit tissues.
  7. Leaf Abscission: Auxin inhibits leaf abscission by maintaining the integrity of the abscission zone, delaying the shedding of leaves.
  8. Apical Hook Formation: It facilitates the formation of the apical hook in dicot seedlings, protecting the delicate shoot apex during emergence from the soil.
  9. Seed Germination: Auxin promotes seed germination by breaking dormancy and stimulating the elongation of the embryonic axis.
  10. Leaf Senescence: It delays leaf senescence by inhibiting the breakdown of chlorophyll and other cellular components, prolonging leaf lifespan.


Auxin is a plant hormone. Auxin hormone function is to control growth and developmental processes in plants, including cell expansion, root initiation, and bud and flower growth. Auxin, discovered by Charles Darwin and his son Francis, was first isolated from human urine.

Auxin plays a key role in plant adaptation to the environment, and its functions are associated with signal transduction, transport, homeostasis, and biosynthesis pathways. In this article, we will study the auxin, its types, mechanism of action, and functions in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Auxin?
  • Auxin Example
  • Types of Auxin
  • Mechanism of Action of Auxin
  • Auxin Hormone Function
  • Conclusion: Auxin

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