Benefits of Animation Tool

  • View Animation Timing: The Animation tool provides detailed information about the timing and properties of each animation, allowing developers to break down the animation into its steps and identify potential performance bottlenecks.
  • Provides various options: Developers can use the Animation tool to pause, resume, and seek animations, making it easier to debug and analyze specific animation stages.
  • Inspect the Keyframes: The Animation tool provides a visual representation of animation keyframes, allowing developers to see how the properties of an animated element change over time.
  • Improve user Accessibility: The Animation tool helps developers create animations that are accessible and usable for all users, including those with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities.
  • Inspect and debug Animation Issues: The Animation tool can be used to troubleshoot animation-related issues, such as unexpected animation behavior, performance problems, or accessibility concerns.

Inspecting and Modifying CSS animations in Microsoft Edge Browser

To inspect and modify CSS animations you can use the Animation Tool provided in the DevTools in Edge. The tool allows developers to inspect the animations and modify them. You get to replay or preview animations and various other options to change properties such as time, delay, etc.

Table of Content

  • Feature of Animation Tool
  • Benefits of Animation Tool
  • Locating the Animation Tool in Edge
  • Inspecting and Modifying CSS animations
  • Conclusion

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Feature of Animation Tool

Changing properties: The timing of animations can be modified by adjusting the duration, delay, and easing functions. Exporting animation: Animations can be exported to JSON format for sharing or further analysis. Provides a Timing Graph: Each animation is represented by a timing graph, which visually displays the animation’s timing and keyframes. Useful Playback Controls: Developers can pause, resume, and seek animations for precise inspection and debugging. Compatibility with most browsers: The Animation tool helps developers create animations that behave consistently across different browsers and devices....

Benefits of Animation Tool

View Animation Timing: The Animation tool provides detailed information about the timing and properties of each animation, allowing developers to break down the animation into its steps and identify potential performance bottlenecks. Provides various options: Developers can use the Animation tool to pause, resume, and seek animations, making it easier to debug and analyze specific animation stages. Inspect the Keyframes: The Animation tool provides a visual representation of animation keyframes, allowing developers to see how the properties of an animated element change over time. Improve user Accessibility: The Animation tool helps developers create animations that are accessible and usable for all users, including those with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities. Inspect and debug Animation Issues: The Animation tool can be used to troubleshoot animation-related issues, such as unexpected animation behavior, performance problems, or accessibility concerns....

Locating the Animation Tool in Edge

The Animation tool in present in DevTools in Edge. To open it follow these steps:...

Inspecting and Modifying CSS animations

In the animation tool all possible animations groups will be present select the one that you can to inspect....


The Edge provides a great Animation tool for handling CSS animations in your site as working with animation can be time-consuming and previewing in the browser takes time.. You can inspect the animations and make changes that suits your taste directly in the Edge browser using the tool....