Benefits of Biocontrol Agents

Biological control is an approach that is both highly specialist and effective. The majority of the time, predators will only control the number of the pest it is designed to manage. Because of this, predator management is an environmentally friendly option over chemical or mechanical pest control.

  • The flawless operation of it requires just a little amount of work to maintain. 
  • It is cost-effective in the long run.
  • As the imported predator is inclined to attack the pests, the pest population is frequently decreased.
  • It conserves biological diversity in managed ecosystems.
  • It only kills the intended target.
  • It is tenacious and capable of killing throughout the growing season or crop life.

Biocontrol Agents – Types, Advantages, Disadvantages

Biocontrol agents are also referred to as biological control agents. It includes microbes that serve the purpose of safeguarding plants from parasitic organisms. Microbes refer to little unicellular creatures. Our naked eyes cannot perceive them because microbes are very tiny. Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, and Parasitoids are various microbes that work as agents safeguarding plants from invasive species by killing them. This article aims to explore the topic of biocontrol agents, including their varieties, biocontrol methods, advantages, and disadvantages.

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FAQs on Biocontrol Agent

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