Benefits of Development Testing

  • Early Bug Detecting: Early in the development process, faults and bugs can be identified and corrected thanks to development testing, which stops problems from spreading to subsequent phases.
  • Savings on costs: Early fault detection and correction is more economical than addressing problems later in the software development life cycle or after it has been deployed.
  • Improved Coding Quality: By enforcing coding standards and highlighting areas for improvement, routine testing aids in the maintenance and enhancement of code quality.
  • Increased Output: Development testing tools and methods contribute to greater developer productivity by simplifying repetitive testing processes and allowing developers to focus on coding.
  • Easy Maintenance: Tested code is simpler to update and alter. Since the current functionality won’t be compromised, developers can make modifications with confidence.

Development Testing in Software Engineering

Prerequisite – Types of Software Testing

Development Testing – It is a method of applying testing practices consistently throughout the software development life cycle process. This testing ensures the detection of bugs or errors at the right time which further ensures delay of any kind of risk in terms of time and cost. Development Testing aims to establish a framework to verify whether the requirements of a given project are met in accordance with the rules of the mission to be accomplished. This testing is performed by the software developers or other engineers during the construction phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Development Testing is a continuous or a running process in the development of a product in the entire software development life cycle. This testing is done only once as compared to other testings which can be performed many times. To meet the deadline date, development testing is performed during the development phase of a software product, 

In Development Testing, the phases are more tightly integrated so that code that is being written and checked in is automatically tested. In this way, the problems can be more quickly discovered and can be addressed.

Development Testing

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Benefits of Development Testing

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Disadvantages of Development Testing

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