Benefits of Observer Design Pattern

Observer Design Pattern has a static object called Subject and a variable object called Observers. There can be zero or N number of observers, which can change based on subscription. Here, the Subject keeps the Observers, and if any of the object state changes, the  Subject notifies other Observers. For example, consider the case of a LinkedIn post. When you post a new LinkedIn post (state change), the timeline of your followers is updated with your new post.

 Let’s look into its benefits.

  • Facilitates a loose coupling between Subject and Observers
  • Observers can be updated at runtime
  • A subject can keep zero or N number of observers
  • The aptitude of broadcasting messages between Subject and Observers.

Implementing Newsletter Subscription using Observer Design Pattern in Python

Observer Design Pattern is a design pattern in Python that facilitates a one-to-many relationship. Say, for example, you and several other readers subscribed to a newsletter. When there is a new newsletter available, you will receive it along with other subscribers. Suppose, if you don’t want to receive the newsletter, you can cancel your subscription and you will not receive the new editions.

An observer design pattern is not limited to the newsletter subscription. It can be any information such as a concurrent thread signal, a signal from an operating system, and so on.  An observer design pattern is a form of a publishing-subscriber pattern. It facilitates managing subscriptions and broadcasting information to subscribers.

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Benefits of Observer Design Pattern

Observer Design Pattern has a static object called Subject and a variable object called Observers. There can be zero or N number of observers, which can change based on subscription. Here, the Subject keeps the Observers, and if any of the object state changes, the  Subject notifies other Observers. For example, consider the case of a LinkedIn post. When you post a new LinkedIn post (state change), the timeline of your followers is updated with your new post....

Newsletter Subscription Implementation

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